
What is a Deep Cleaning and Why Would I Need One?

September 1, 2019

You know that regular cleanings are an important facet of proper dental care, but you may not know too much about deep cleaning and why you might need it. At the offices of Richard Hardt, DDS, your dental health is our top priority. 


How to Handle the Most Common Dental Emergencies

August 6, 2019

When you realize something is wrong in your mouth, it’s natural to feel worried or afraid. After all, it’s difficult to see inside your mouth and often dental emergencies are accompanied by pain, discomfort, or bleeding. 


The Source of Your Migraines? It Could Be TMJ

July 12, 2019

There’s no doubt the pain from a migraine headache is horrendous. The throbbing, intense, viselike feeling may occur on one, or both sides of your head, and typically becomes more violent with movement or exposure to light. 


Everything You Need To Know About Your Wisdom Teeth

June 12, 2019

Are you experiencing jaw pain? If so, there’s a chance your wisdom teeth may be impacted. So what are wisdom teeth and how can they cause pain? In this blog, Richard Hardt, D.D.S., explains what wisdom teeth are, where they’re located, and what may be the reasons to have them removed.


How Your Teeth Reflect Your Overall Health

May 6, 2019

Your teeth are good for a lot of things. Of course, they help to break your food down into smaller pieces so you can swallow it better. They make up your smile, which is one of the first things people often notice about others. But did you know they’re also a great indicator of your overall health?


Why Sleep Apnea Should Always Be Taken Seriously and Treated

April 15, 2019

More than 18 million Americans have sleep apnea, a condition that impairs your ability to breathe while you sleep. Many people who have sleep apnea might not even know it, but getting a proper diagnosis is important. If left untreated, sleep apnea can bring fatigue, affect your memory, and put you at risk for a number of chronic health conditions.


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