
Radiation And The Safety Of Dental X-Rays

November 4, 2020

It is not uncommon to be concerned about your safety when you have dental X-rays performed. Putting on a heavy lead vest may make you apprehensive. The benefits of dental X-rays far outweigh the risks when safety procedures are followed and the number of X-rays is limited to the required number.


Gum Disease COVID-20

March 24, 2020

Patients with gum disease are more likely to experience severe, potentially life-threatening complications if they contract COVID-19 and need to be hospitalized, according to a new report published online in the Journal of the California Dental Association.


How the Diode Laser Helps You Heal More Quickly

November 1, 2019

Gum disease — officially called periodontitis — affects nearly 64.7 million American adults, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. In its earliest stages, you might notice inflamed or bleeding gums. Left untreated, however, gum disease can increase your risk of tooth loss.


How Do Dental Implants Work (dental implants, procedure)

August 10, 2020

Dental implants are helpful to many people who have a multitude of issues with their teeth. This procedure has been used in dentistry for centuries. There has been evidence that in approximately 2500 BC, the ancient Egyptians tried to stabilize teeth that were periodontally involved with the use of ligature wire made of gold


How a Root Canal Procedure Relieves Pain

December 1, 2019

At this point, you might consider the term “root canal” little more than a punchline. The treatment is used in popular culture as a benchmark for pain and discomfort and is universally considered all-around awful.


Best and Worst Halloween Treats for Your Kids’ Teeth

October 1, 2019

Most children love to eat candy, and Halloween is a holiday that gives them access to loads of it. Going door to door for trick or treating usually results in children having impressive stashes of sugary treats that they want to gobble for weeks afterward. You are likely wondering if all that candy will result in cavities.


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