
How to Tell It’s Time to Schedule Your Next Dental Visit

January 12, 2022

When was the last time you visited the dentist? If you are like millions of Americans, chances are you haven’t seen your general dentist in the past year. 


4 Reasons Why Preventive Dental Care Matters for Kids

November 5, 2021

Most pediatricians suggest starting dental care when a child’s first tooth appears. Preventative dental care helps children begin lifelong habits before oral obstacles become more critical and often more expensive. 


Best and Worst Holiday Foods for Healthy Teeth

December 4, 2021

For many people, food is the most anticipated part of the holiday season. Family meals, baked goods, and holiday candy mean there is usually something good to eat. But in the midst of the season, it’s easy to temporarily forget about making healthy choices when it comes to your teeth.


Is Sleep Apnea Behind Daytime Fatigue?

September 25, 2021

Are you meeting the required amount of sleep per night but still waking up with headaches, irritability, and feeling groggy? Sometimes, it seems like multiple cups of coffee just aren’t enough to get through the day. Excessive daytime lethargy is often linked to sleep apnea.


Office Covid Update

March 3, 2020

It’s hard not to be a little concerned with all that’s happening in our world today regarding health and security.


How long do porcelain veneers last

September 17, 2021

For the quickest way to get a full, dazzling white smile, porcelain veneers are the way to go. Porcelain veneers are thin, yet durable ceramic shells bonded to the front of teeth. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years.


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