
Laser Dentistry Treatments for a More Comfortable Dental Experience

September 2, 2022

A relatively recent technique in the dental industry is laser dentistry treatment. This tool can be used to treat both hard tissue (teeth) and soft tissue (gums) and offers an alternative to drills and other non-laser tools.


Preserving My Friend’s Legacy | A message from his daughter

February 25, 2022

Although you may already be aware, we are writing you today with very heavy hearts to formally inform you that our beloved Dr. Lewis passed away on October 5, 2021. His loss has been nearly impossible to accept and the love we have felt from our community of patients has helped carry us forward.


How to Choose a Porterville Dentist

August 1, 2022

You aren’t stuck with one dentist. You can, if you want, see as many different dentists as you want. There is no law that says you have to keep seeing the same dentist over and over again.


Is Your Child a “Mouth Breather?” That May Be a Problem

July 17, 2022

Human beings can breathe through both their mouths and their nose. But science has shown us that one is preferable to the other. In fact, there are researchers that now believe that “mouth breathing” (those that breathe primarily or exclusively through their mouths) may be problematic at best, actively harmful at worst.


4 Unexpected Ways that Gum Disease Impacts Other Body Parts

April 1, 2022

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that nearly half of adults suffer from some form of periodontal (gum) disease. Considering the prevalence of periodontal disease, you may be curious about what triggers it. Gum disease is a bacterial infection typically caused by poor oral hygiene.


Handling Holiday Dental Emergencies

February 24, 2022

Dental emergencies can take many forms, and it can be challenging to decide which next steps to take. Beyond basic first aid, here are specific ways to handle dental emergencies.


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