
5 Tips for Cavity Prevention

Cavities, or tooth decay, affect people of all ages. If you’re over the age of 20, you are likely one of the 90% of adults who has had at least one cavity. If you are over the age of 65, you may be more than twice as likely to suffer from untreated tooth decay.

You are at a higher risk for developing cavities if you have poor oral hygiene, consume lots of sugary, high-carb foods and beverages, constantly snack or sip, or don’t get enough fluoride.

Thankfully, cavities are 100% preventable. Our team at Richard Hardt, D.D.S, Family Dentistry, in Porterville, CA, can help you avoid tooth decay and other oral health issues by offering comprehensive, compassionate dentistry.

Here are five tips from our family dental team to help you avoid cavities:

1.  Brush and floss properly and habitually.

We learn from a young age that brushing and flossing are important. However, many people neglect to include one or both of these in their daily hygiene routines. The American Dental Association recommends brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes each time and flossing daily.

Studies and data have proven that brushing with fluoride and for at least two minutes twice a day reduces the risk of cavities as well as periodontal disease. Flossing, or interdental cleaning, is also essential because toothbrushes can’t clean between teeth where food and plaque often hide.

2.  Eat tooth-friendly foods.

Sugar, carbs, and acidic foods are top contributors to dental decay. But did you know that some foods can help prevent cavities? The following foods encourage healthy teeth so you are less likely to develop cavities:

  • Milk and other dairy products contain calcium and proteins that strengthen and repair tooth enamel
  • Beef liver, salmon, tuna, sweet potatoes, carrots, and red peppers all contain vitamin A which helps for healthy teeth and gums.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables and sugar free gum encourage chewing, which produces saliva. Saliva helps wash away the bacteria that produces plaque.
  • Carrots, celery, apples, and oranges are fibrous fruits and vegetables that clean teeth as you chew them.

3.  Drink lots of water.

Coffee, tea, wine, sports drinks, and soda wreak havoc on your dental enamel. Try replacing your second cup of coffee, afternoon soda, and nightly glass of wine with a glass of water. But if you must indulge, be sure to drink water between sips and after you are finished with your beverage. This way, the water can remove sugars and acids from your teeth.

4.  Try dental sealants.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just cover up your molars so that you never have a cavity again? Well, you can! Dental sealants are a plastic, protective coating that is painted over the chewing surfaces of the molars. The sealants keep bacteria and plaque from settling into the grooves and crevices of the teeth.

Dental sealants are most popular for children but are also beneficial for adults.

5.  Visit the dentist every six months.

Biannual dental cleaning and exam appointments are essential to achieving and maintaining optimal oral health. Dentists can provide personal oral hygiene tips to help you avoid cavities, detect cavities in the earliest stages, and provide the appropriate, most effective treatments.

Schedule Your Dental Cleaning Today

If it’s been longer than six months since your last dental cleaning and exam, don’t wait another day to schedule your appointment. Call our Porterville, CA dentist today at (559) 784-6523 to speak with our friendly dental team.